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Capital Outlay Released; Munis Urged to Review

LaMATS Capital Outlay consultant James Purpera recommends that municipalities review the Governor's recently released Capital Outlay (HB 2) Recommendations, which support capital outlay funding requests with monies appropriated from the state treasury and other sources for the Fiscal Year commencing July 1, 2020, and ending June 30, 2021.

"The first thing municipalities should do is read through the recommendations and confirm that any requests they've made are reflected in the document," said Purpera. "If there are omissions or changes to those requests, municipalities should contact their legislators and see if they can get the recommendations amended when the Legislature resumes."

As a service to all LMA members, LaMATS provides a free capital outlay consultation with James Purpera Governmental Consulting, offering more than thirty years experience with the state capital outlay process. Members may email Purpera directly at:

Click below to read the HB 2 Recommendations document.

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