Cooperative Purchasing Commission to Meet December 7
The Louisiana Cooperative Purchasing Commission (LACPC) will meet virtually on Wednesday, December 7, from 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (CST). All current members and guests are welcome.
The meeting can be accessed from your computer, tablet, or smartphone via this link. The password to unlock the meeting is lacpc22. You can also dial in by calling 1.571.317.3112 and entering 435-931-205 as the access code.
The meeting agenda can be viewed and downloaded here.
The LACPC is a participant-directed, LaMATS-administered commission for Louisiana municipalities and local political subdivisions that allows its members to cooperate in the joint purchasing of materials, supplies and equipment. All Louisiana local governments are eligible to join the Commission, free of charge or obligation, by passing the appropriate resolution and appointing a commission representative. For more information about the LACPC, click here.