Latest Capital Outlay Newsletter Released
LaMATS expert consultant for Capital Outlay, James Purpera, has posted his latest newsletter to the LMA membership. Full newsletter available below.
July – December 2021
July If you have a Capital Outlay appropriation in HB 2 of the 2021 Regular Session of the Legislature you will receive a memorandum from the Division of Administration with instructions by early July. You cannot enter into contracts committing your Capital Outlay funding without prior approval from Facility Planning, so wait for the instructions.
July 15 State Bond Commission traditionally reauthorizes prior year Lines of Credit.
Aug - Nov The Division of Administration traditionally submits recommendations for Lines of Credit for “new” Priority 2 and 5 General Obligation Bond appropriations for consideration at the September, October or November Bond Commission meetings; but it is possible that some could be considered in August.
November 1 Deadline for submittal of Capital Outlay Requests for consideration in the 2022 Legislative Session. Submittal after November 1st is limited by possible, but the “late submittal” process has restrictions on the type and cost of projects eligible.
Newsletter Available for Download Below...