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Town of Livingston Benefits from LaMATS Brownsfield Partnership

When newly-elected Livingston Mayor Jonathan “JT” Taylor and members of the town council took office almost two years ago, they had a vision to repurpose the long-abandoned parish courthouse. With some early assistance from the LaMATS Brownfields Assessment program and the town’s tremendous planning and sheer tenacity, the project is getting some well-deserved assistance in the form of EPA funds administered by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ). News of the EPA approval came in late November from Rebecca Otte, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Brownfields Coordinator, a LaMATS partner in providing Brownfield site assessments and grant funding for projects statewide. Ms. Otte expects Phase 1 Site Assessments to begin soon. Once a report is issued, the project could be eligible for more federal funds to help remove contaminated material and renovate it to be a new town hall with much needed office space.

Mayor Taylor says the project has already received $2 million in state Capital Outlay funds and that he is in contact with Louisiana's Congressional delegation to secure the balance of an expected $6 million in total project cost.

“We are so grateful for all of the assistance so far from LaMATS & LDEQ, parish officials and our outstanding state senator and representative. Once finished, this facility will serve the residents of Livingston in many ways. We are incorporating beautiful green space and technology that will make this modern government complex with a very nostalgic feel reflective of our charming town,” expressed Mayor Taylor.

Cliff Palmer, LaMATS Executive Director, congratulated Mayor Taylor and thanked Ms. Otte and her team for their determination in pursuing funding for the Livingston project.

"Mayor Taylor’s strong leadership and focus, coupled with the complete cooperation of the Council, is what’s making this a reality. While many communities dream about doing something like this, the Town of Livingston is clearly determined to beautify their community by addressing and reclaiming blighted properties, large and small.”

Electronic 3D renderings of the existing structure and planned renovations can be found by clicking the below:


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